Youtube on Best Friends

How much better would your life be with more friends

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to Be Friends with Everyone

Now, there is always a way to be friends with everyone. Labelling is what everyone does. Goth, Punk, Prep, Geek, Jock, it's a cycle we're all familiar with. Making friends with all of them will be easy just follow the tips!

1. Understand where the group is coming from. If the group you want to be friends with is a shy group, and you're a little more sociable, never ask them "Why don't you talk?" or "Why are you quiet?" They hate that. It's rude. Don't do it. If you're shy and you want to get into a sociable group, then just try to get a little attention, but try not to over do it. No one likes a show off.
2. Remember that each group will be different. They will use different words, find different things funny or respectable, or will have very different ways of "hanging out". Observe what is appropriate for each group, and act accordingly, but don't change yourself just to fit in. You are who you are.

3.       Always be outgoing, and going out. Be outgoing and you will gain popularity within a group. Go out a lot in order to hang out with different groups. Being friends with everyone is time and energy consuming, because you must be friendly, outgoing, and willing to hangout, leaving yourself very little time to yourself. That is something you have to consider before going and trying to be so popular.

4.       Make sure to ask people what they are doing over the weekend before the weekend. But don't make plans right away. Often, something will be going on unplanned, and you want to go hang out with that group at that time. As long as you make sure to be out and about, plans are not necessary.

5.       Maintain the friendliness with everyone. You are friends with them and friendly with others.

6.       Consider what everyone thinks. If they are truly your friends, talk to them. It's not the best thing to tell your very good friend lies, there's a good chance that they're going to find out.

7.       Always smile and have a positive attitude. When you meet someone or see them in the hallways or work smile at them and they will think you’re outgoing.

  • Ditching your old friends for other people is a terrible thing to do. Just try to be friendly. If you have a few best friends or one best friend - never lose them.
  • Keeping clean is a major thing to keep in mind. Shower every day. Wash your face, brush your teeth. No matter what.
  • Don't be afraid to talk to people. Meeting strangers is the best way to make new friends!
  • Never assume that everyone fits into 'Jock', 'Geek', 'Goth', etc. Being classed like that can often hurt people's feelings (even if they call themselves one of these names proudly, don't say it yourself - respect their right to diss themselves or whatever, but don't imitate it).

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